Friday, December 21, 2012

The New American Immigrants

link to quiz

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Labor Unions Emerged

Urban tenements
In this entirety, labor unions were (good or bad) and why?
- Based upon what I have read, labor unions were good for the workers because the unions want to improve their lives. The workers did not like the way the factory owners treat them. They worked 12 or more hours a day, 6 days a week, without vacations. They worked in dirty poorly ventilated factories, and used dangerous and faulty equipment. Workers were underpayed, so they joined together as unions for their better working conditions.

Describe the sweatshops and how 146 women died in a fire & how it could have been prevented.

- The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory was a sweatshop in which 146 seamstress died because the fire spreaded swiftly through the oil-soaked machines and the piles of clothes and also because all their doors were locked except for one of the exit doors. These deaths could have been prevented if the factory owners did not locked the doors and had a sprinkler system and had better working conditions.

What is a scab and why would unionized workers not like scabs?

Children working in factories

- Monopolists did not want unions because the unions want better working conditions for the workers and the monopolists dont want to spend more money for the workers. Union members did not like scabs because they ruin the unionized workers' chance on getting a higher pay.

Describe the type of people who formed the IWW union. What does IWW mean?
- Many factory and sweatshop owners disliked the vision of unions like the IWW because they were socialists and they did not want to spend more money on better working conditions for the workers.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Hopelessly Bound to the Stakes

Essential Question:
Did the government have any responsibility for placing workers on the stake?
-The government had some responsibility for placing workers on the stake because they may have helped the monopolies to be in the Senate room by accepting money from them. The people making the laws were affected by the monopolies' thoughts which lead to the law being helpful on the monopolies instead of the workers.

Hopelessly Bound to the Stake -

What are three pieces of information did you chose? Why did you chose the three?

"This cartoon signifies the cruel treatment by the wealthy industrialists toward their workers."
"The workers were overworked and underpaid."
 "The worker's wages went down, the prices for living remained the same and the laborers were inevitably bound to their company through debt."
-I chose these quotes from the article because the first one summarizes how the wealthy monopolists treated the workers cruelly. The second tells us about how laborers were forced to work long hours a day in unsafe working conditions and were underpaid. And lastly, the quote shows how the industrialists can control the worker's wages.

Were labor unions necessary? Why?
-Labor unions were necessary to help the workers gain better working conditions, higher wages and shorter work days.

Did the government help make the monopolies? How?
-Yes, because by accepting the monopolies' bribes and their influence on making the laws, the laws became weaker against monopolies and made them richer and more powerful.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Are the Old Bosses Still in Charge?

The setting of the cartoon is in the Senate, one of the bicameral houses. In the cartoon, it shows that the entrance for the monopolists is open and the entrance for the people is closed. I think that it is unfair because the people should also can come in and see what's going on. The large men at the back of the room represents the monopolists or the special interests group. These large men are in the room to make the laws weak by influencing the senators.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Rise of Industry & Monopolies

Three main causes of industrial growth in America are the natural resources, government support for businesses and the growing urban population. Trust and monopolies during America's early industrial age created separation between industrialists and the workers and bad working conditions for them. Company owners got rich from controlling production, wages, and prices. Monopolies began in the United States because the United States has many natural resources which was great for a lot of different businesses. Money is all that mattered to these business owners. Rockefeller argued that it was okay for workers to get paid low wages because they donated money back into a facility for the people to find cures for diseases.