Monday, April 29, 2013

WWII Across the Atlantic Ocean Dwight D. Eisenhower

1.) Who was the supreme commander in Europe? Was he succesful?

- The Supreme commander in Europe was Dwight D. Eisenhower, Yes, he was successful because they made the Nazis to unconditional surrender.

2.) What was the significance of D-day?

- D-day is significant because they had to fight in Europe to remove Hitler from taking over Europe.

3.) Was General Patton an effective leader?

- General Patton is an effective leader because they defeated the Nazis in Paris, France.

4.) Why was the battle of the bulge significant?

- It is Hitler's last attempt for victory of the war using offense. Battle of the Bulge

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Coping with the War at Home Poster from the OPA

1.) What was the OPA? What was their job?

   - Office of Price Administration fought the inflation of prices by freezing the prizes on most goods.

2.) What was the purpose of the OSRD?

   - Office of Scientific Research and Development brought scientists to war to come up with new technologies, like the radar, sonar for locating submarines underwater.

3.) In what ways did Americans sacrifice during WWII?
   - Americans could not buy as much as they want because of the rationing or the establishing of fixed allotments on scarce goods or goods that were essential to the military.

4.) How similar or different were your sacrifices during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars?
   - People did not have to sacrifice during the iraq and Afghanistan Wars, they could buy whatever they want, unlike the Americans during the WWII. director of OSRD

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

U.S. Gets Ready for the Fight Philip Randolph
1.) Who was Phillip Randolph and why did he and President Roosevelt meet?
   - Phillip Randolph was an African American labor leader who organized a march on Washington. Roosevelt met with him to ask him to cancel the march in exchange of issuing an executive order calling on employers to hire African-Americans on any job.

2.) Who were the WAACs and why were they important to the war effort?
   - Women's Auxiliary Army Corps, they were important to the war effort because they perform duties - usually done by men - that are needed in the military, while men go into war.

3.) How well did African-Americans do during WWII?
   - African Americans used to live in segregated neighborhoods and only 15% of employers hired them on menial jobs. But after Phillip Randolph met with Roosevelt, they can have any job they want. African Americans
during the WWII

Friday, April 19, 2013

U.S. Inches Towards WWII

1.) What was Lend-Lease and what countries did it benefit?
   - U.S. can lend, rent or sell weapons to other countries like the Soviet Union and Great Britain.

2.) What did Roosevelt call German U-boats?
   - Rattlesnakes of the Atlantic

3.) How would you describe Roosevelt's opinion of war?

WWII Joseph Stalin
1.) What treaty did Hitler hate?
   - Hitler hated the Treaty of Versailles because it blamed Germany for starting the war and it made them pay for the damages by losing territory.

2.) Dictators during the 20's - 30's?
   - Japan - Hideki Tojo
   - Soviet Union - Joseph Stalin
   - Germany - Adolf Hitler
   - Italy - Benito Mussolini
   - Spain - Francisco Franco Benito Mussolini
3.) Similarities amongst the dictators?
   - The dictators crushes everyone who opposes them, they are powerful public speaker, called themselves "the leader", and they want more living space or territory.

4.) What was the U.S. thinking as several wars were breaking out?
   - mostly stay isolated and neutral because it was just after the Great Depression and they dont have money for the war.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


1.) List all the countries the Nazi's invaded.

   - Austria,  Czechoslovakia,  Poland, Yugoslavia,  Bulgaria,  Greece, Romania,  Hungary,  Lithuania, Latvia,  Estonia,  Finland,  Norway, France,  Denmark,  Netherlands (Holland),  Belgium  &  Soviet Union.
2.) What did Winston Churchill say about the peace agreed upon in the Munich Agreement?
   - Winston Churchill believed that it was a disaster and he wants to have a war with Germany immediately.

3.) What is Blitzkrieg and what's the purpose?
   - or lightning war to take the enemy by surprise and then quickly crush all opposition with overwhelming force.

Monday, April 15, 2013

WWII Key Terms

1.) Allies - U.S., England, Soviet Union

2.) Axis - Germany, Japan, Italy

3.) Defense Spending - amount of money goverment spends on military.

4.) Unemployment Rate - % of people unemployed.

5.) Federal Outlay - amount of money the government uses to buy stuff.

6.) Rattlesnakes of the Atlantic - German U-boats

7.) German U-boats - German Submarines

8.) Isolationists - policy of "mind your own business"

9.) Appease - to give in to demands

10.) Lend-Lease Act - Law that allowed POTUS to sell weapons to out friends.

11.) Office of Price Administration - control money and rents after the WWII.

12.) Inflation - when prices for goods / service increases but incomes remain the same.

13.) Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt - lead the U.S. during a time of worldwide economic depression and total war.
14.) Pres. Harry S. Truman - After Roosevelt died, Truman lead the United States and successfully concluded World War II. Which after marked the start of the Cold War.

15.) Phillip Randolph - Leader of the African-American civil-rights movement, the American labor movement and socialist political parties.

16.) Gen. Patton - General in the United States Army, best known for his command of the Seventh Untied States Army, and later the Third United States Army, in the European Theater of World War II.

17.) Gen. MacArthur - Commanded Allied forces in the Pacific Theater during World War II.

18.) Gen. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of U.S. Forces - Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe; he had responsibility for planning and supervising the invasion of North Africa in Operation Torch and the successful invasion of France and Germany from the Western Front

19.) Adolph Hitler - leader of the Nazis, Germany.

20.) Benito Mussilini - leader of Italy.

21.) Joseph Stalin - Leader of the Soviet Union.

23.) Battle of the Bulge- the last stand for Germany in the war.

24.) D-Day - offensive by allies to take over Europe.

25.) Auschwitz - Jewish concentration camp

26.) Atomic Bomb - Nuclear bomb dropped on Japan to end the war.

27.) Interment - camps on West Coast used to detain Japanese-Americans.

28.) Income Tax - % of tax paid on personal income (paychecks)

29.) Wage & Price controls - Commonly instituted by governments as a response to inflation, and usually below market level.

30.) War bonds - Debt securities issued by a government for the purpose of financing military operations during times of war.

31.) WAACs - Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WWAC) was created as an auxiliary unit.

32.) WWII Battles of the Pacific - Naval Aviation News articles to Commemmorate the 50th Anniversary of World War II.

33.) GI Bill of Rights - Servicemen's Readjustment Act, a law that provided a range of benefits for returning World War II veterans. Benefits included low-cost mortgages, low-interest loans to start a business or farm, cash payments of tuition and living expenses to attend college, high school or vocational education, as well as one year of unemployment compensation.

34.) Zoot-Suit Riots - Series of riots in 1943 during World War II that exploded in Los Angles and California between, White sailors and Marines.

Friday, April 12, 2013

"The Help" and the Struggle for African-American Equality "The Help" movie poster

The movie, "The Help" is an American film adaptation of the novel by Kathryn Stockett. Focused around a white woman, Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan, who is writing a book about the stories of African-American maids to show the racism and how they were treated by white people. The setting is in Jackson, Mississippi during the civil rights era (early 1960s)

In one incident...

In another incident...

In a third incident...

The significance of the movie, "The Help" in the struggle for African-American equality...

(what is your opinion on the book? did it help to establish more African-American equality?)