Monday, March 25, 2013

How the New Deal Affected People's of Color 

Why did Pedro Gonzales became a Mexican-American hero?
   - Pedro J. Gonzales became a Mexican-American hero because he spoke and condemned against discrimination and racism to the Mexicans through the radio by being a disc jockey.

Why was Frances Perkins a hero for women?
   - Frances Perkins became a hero for women because she's America's first female cabinet member.

What was the "Black Cabinet" and who was the leader?
   - a group of influential African American advisers that was organized by Mary McLeod Bethune to advise the Roosevelt administration on racial issues.

Friday, March 22, 2013

TGD - Programs of the New Deal 
1. What was THE major difference between Hoover and Roosevelt?
   - Roosevelt was a proactive president, he helped the people by making new jobs, while Hoover did not like federal welfare and gave money to the big corporations instead of giving money to the poor.

2. Which New Deal program was most responsible for creating the most jobs and how did the program achieve this?
   - The Works Progress Association was responsible for creating public work as fast as possible. The program spent $11 billion to create jobs for 8 million workers. They made airports, roads and streets, and many public buildings. Social Security Card, 1935
3.What impact did the Social Security Act have on Americans?
   - Since 1935, the Social Security Act have been insurance for the retirees and the unemployed. It also aided the disabled people and families with dependent children.

4. Why was Huey Long against TND?
   - Huey Long thought that the New deal was inadequate.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

TGD - FDR & The New Deal

Who was Franklin Delano Roosevelt?
   - FDR was the first and only president who had a disability, he could not walk because he had polio, causing him to lose all movements on his legs. He was also elected four times and served over 12 years.

Who were FDR's carefully picked advisers and why were they important to the president?
   - FDR carefully picked professors, lawyers and journalists to be his advisers and were known as the "Brain Trust" to come up with a new set of policies for his presidency and to solve the Great Depression.

What was the New Deal?
   - It is a program to solve the problems of the Great Depression.

What three goals did the New Deal attempt to adress?
   - relief for the needy - solve hunger
   - economic recovery - for people to have jobs
   - financial - banks not to close down

What was the first action FDR took as president?
   - he closed all the banks by declaring a bank holiday and insoected the banks and if the bank was okay, it could reopen at once.

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Great Depression - President Hoover's Handling of the Crisis Pres. Hoover
 Herbert Hoover, a Republican president at the beginning of the Great Depression, was ineffective in his response because he made many of the Americans really mad. Farmers burned their crops instead of selling it to people at a very low price, they also dumped their milk on the highways. Some farmers declared a "farmer's holiday" on which they stopped working, and also blocked roads to prevent food to the market. Hoover did not like the government to give things to the people because he refused to support direct relief or forms of federal welfare. The Bonus Army was made up of World War I veterans and their families to get their money, but then Hoover tear-gassed the people, including children, and made a bad impression of him.

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Great Depression - Hardships & Suffering

Describe the Dust Ball; what caused it?

Describe how The Great Depression affected the (a)children, (b)families, (c)women, (d)men and (e)people of colors.
   -Children were malnourished because they did not have enough to eat and were getting sick because of lack of health care. Some kids could not go to school because many schools shut down, and most of the kids needed to work.
   -Families struggled to make ends meet.
   -Women had to work hard for their family, even though they were payed less.
   -Men felt useless because they could not support their family. Some left home to be hoboes.
   -People of colors dealt with increasing racism from whites that were competing for the same jobs.

Who were "hoboes" and how did they travel?
   -They were unemployed men traveling through hitching on railroad boxcars who were looking for jobs.

What was an enduring effect on people because of The Great Depression?
   - People learned how to save because they did not want to be poor ever again.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Great Depression Men looking for jobs.

1. 94% of Americans made how much in one year?
     - they made less than $5,000 a year.

2. Why is Wall Street important to American business?
     - because large companies trade stocks on the New York Stock Exchange in Wall Street.

3. If the stock market crash DID NOT cause the Great Depression, what did?
    - tariffs and war debt policies cut down the foreign markets for American goods, the crisis in the farm sector, the availability of easy credit, and the unequal distribution of income helped cause the Great Depression.

4. What of what you read is similar to what is happening in the Great Recession?
    - Bread and soup line in L.A
during the Great Depression

Monday, March 4, 2013

Life in the 1920's Changed Supporters of Prohibition
 1. What was Prohibition?
 - It was the 18th Ammendment which banned the manufacture, sale and transportation of alcohol.

2. What groups were responsible for the idea of prohibition?
 - Social Reformers were responsible for banning alcohol.

3. What were their reasons?
 - Reformers considered liquor to be the cause of corruption. Anti-Prohibiton
4. How did people get illegal alcohol?
 - Drinkers went to secret saloons and nightclubs which are called speakeasies which can be found everywhere in the city. Some people bought liquor smuggled from Canada, Cuba and the West Indies from bootleggers.

5. In your opinion, was Prohibition a good or bad idea, and why?
 - I think Prohibition was a good idea, because it will lessen the crime rate, like less people fighting in bars, clubs etc. and no more drunk driving resulting to less accidents on the road.