Monday, February 25, 2013

New Technology & the 1920's Automobile in the 1920s
 1. How did the invention of the automobile affect America? 
  - Automobiles changed the houses of Americans by adding garages and having smaller lawns. New businesses like, car shops, motels, and gas stations.

2. What's urban sprawl and what caused it?
   - Its when cities grew larger because of the automobiles. Urban Sprawl, caused by the invention
of the automobile.

3. What was the first use of airplanes NOT during war?
    - Airplanes were used for mail delivery.

Teapot Dome Scandal

Teapot Dome Scandal by Hanica Tijidor on GoAnimate

Animated Presentations - Powered by GoAnimate.

Union Membership Plummet in the 1920's

Union Membership Plummet in the 1920's by Hanica Tijidor on GoAnimate

Animation Software - Powered by GoAnimate.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Post WWI United States

Describe the feeling many Americans had after WWI.
- Americans were exhausted and tired of the war and all of the changes that were happening like the unemployment of returning soldiers, farmers and factory workers.

What were some reactions by Americans to their post WWI feelings?
- Americans reacted by fearing the outsiders, and the prejudice against the foreign born-people grew over the nation. Also, isolationism, which is a belief to not be involved in world affairs, was believed by most Americans.

What did the Palmer raids accomplish? Why did Palmer do the raids? Ku Klux Klan

- The Palmer Raids hunted down anarchists, communists and socialists who opposed the government and were put in jail and deported without trials because they were against the capitalist system.

What did the KKK fear? Did their membership grow in the 1920's?
- The KKK were afraid that immigrants from Europe will outnumber them and they were against Jews and Catholics and they thought that they will take over their culture and religion. The KKK's membership grew in the 1920's because they want more power, after the blacks were freed from slavery. Quota System
Political Cartoon

What was the quota system?
- The quota system was a law that established the maximum number of immigrants who could enter the U.S. from each foreign country.

 Was the quota system discriminatory? If yes, to whom?
- Yes, the quota system was discriminatory for the people from the Eastern and Southern Europe, especially the Jews and the Catholics.

How was Mexico affected by the quota system?
- During the 1920's about 500,000 Mexicans crossed the nations border.

How was Japan affected by the quota system?
- The law prohibited Japanese immigration to the U.S.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Progressives Exam Reflection New York Subway
19th Century

___ 2. Cities in the late 19th century expanded with the development of all the following except
             A. subways
             B. skycrapers
             C. airplanes
             D. suspension bridges

Number 2 is the only question I missed on the quiz, I put letter D. suspension bridges though the correct answer is letter C. airplanes. I got this question wrong because, to be honest I just randomly picked a letter just not to leave it blank and because I did not have the knowledge to answer it, although I understood the question. 
As a test taker I think I always do good and I usually miss a few questions which leads to decent score, but in this case I only missed one question because I did not have the knowledge to answer it, well maybe I did, but I guess I forgot. So next time I have to study a little bit better to improve my test scores.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Treatment of Peoples of Color Mexicans constructing railroads.
  Essential Questions:

1. How did Mexicans earn a living in the late 1800's and where did they do this work?

    - Many Mexicans earned a living by working at the railroads to construct rail lines in the Southwest. They worked hard jobs in the hot dry climate in the region, and they work for less money. Segragated schools

2. Describe African-American life in the 1900's? (where did the move to; what was their experience; etc.)

     - By 1900's African-Americans moved to Northern cities, searching for better jobs and social equality. Although they found out that there is also racial discrimination in the North and was forced to live in segrated neighborhoods.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Recreation in the United States Amusement Parks in the 1880's

When and why did Americans began to recreate?

- Americans started recreating during the 1880's because they want to have their free time to have fun and relax to escape from their hard work. People usually go to amusement parks and played sports to recreate.

Were the reasons Americans began to recreate the same or different compared to Americans today?

- Yes, Americans recreate to have fun and relax from their hardwork and stress until today. Bicycle Club 1880s

Friday, February 1, 2013

Teddy Roosevelt's Presidency Theodore Roosevelt

Describe Teddy Roosevelt's life before he became president

(where he was from, date he was born, something interesting about his life)

- October 27, 1858 – January 6, 1919
- born into a wealthy family in New York City
- he was a sickly child from asthma and was home schooled.
- he went to Harvard University.
- he was a naturalist, explorer, hunter, author, and soldier

How did he become president?

- In 1900, Teddy was nominated as the Viice-President, and a year later, President William McKinley was assasinated, Roosevelt was appointed on place of McKinley. White House
What was T.R.'s "Bully Pulpit"?
- Teddy Roosevelt referred to the White House as a "Bully Pulpit" and it provides the President with an opportunity to speak out and people can listen through the media.

Summarize T.R.'s opinion on civil rights?
- He believed that whites and blacks should not be equal.

Explain if you would like T.R. if he were president today?
- No, I would not have liked him because he did not support the African Americans.