Thursday, November 29, 2012

Haiku: Because of Electricity

new machines was made
made everything convenient
life got easier

The haiku i made shows how electricity made people's lives better than what they have before, because it made way for new technologies and machines. For example is the light bulb, before it was invented, people could only work during the day, but after, people could work even at night. Another example is the typewriters, people didn't have to write with a pen and paper anymore, they used printers and made everything faster.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Major Events before the Civil War

Around 1858, the United States was divided geographically—north and south—with the South depending more on agriculture with the help of the slaves and the North is more idustrialized with all their factories and new technologies.

The country was so divided by the issue of slavery, California became a state after the Compromise of 1850 which allowed some new states to decide if they want slavery to be voted upon or popular sovereignty. Also the South got a fugitive slave law, that says that the slaves who escape to the North should be returned to their masters in the South.

Many people from the North hated slavery, so they helped the slaves to be free. The people who helped the slaves were called abolitionists. The abolitionists helped them by hiding the slaves in a series of hiding places, in the Underground railroad, near the route to Canada where the slaves can be free from their masters from the South.

When Uncle Tom’s Cabin was published, both the North and the South were angered because it tells a story of how slaves were sold in the "slave markets". This book was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. The Northeners - the abolitionists - was already against slavery and the Southeners felt like it criticized their way of living since they depend on the use of slaves.

Two politicians became famous for their slavery debates in the 1858 Election, they were Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas. Lincoln and Douglas were both against slavery, but they  have different views on how to deal with the issue. Lincoln believed that everyone - including the slaves - should have their natural rights and be free. And Douglas thought that people should decide on their own states through voting.

On December 20, 1860 after Abraham Lincoln was elected, South Carolina was the first one to secede and followed by the others.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post Election Analysis

- yeiri villanueva

Marijuana Legalization in Colorado and Washington

1.  Cite examples of "Supreme Law of the Land"
  • "Marijuana is still illegal in the eyes of the federal government, which overrules states' rights. "
  • "The Drug Enforcement Administration reiterated its stance that marijuana is an illegal drug and that possessing, using or selling it is a crime. "

 2.  Cite examples of "federal vs. state authority"

  • "The voter approval of legal weed in Colorado and Washington could lead to a Supreme Court battle with the federal government, according to Jeffrey Miron,.."
  • " '[The feds] will do whatever they can to interfere with marijuana legalization in any state,' Miron said on Tuesday, before the initiatives passed."
3.  What was the "compromise" that helped to pass the referendum in Washington? How do you think this compromise would affect demand for the product?
  • They passed the referendum to legalize weed because they proposed that marijuana should be taxed heavily, like 3 times more than before, which will increase the price of marijuana and the demand will be lowered.
4.  Why was Oregon's referendum not passed?
  • Oregon's referendum on legalizing pot was not passed and was criticized in various aspects of the initiative, especially the fact that it would have handed most of the regulating power in the marijuana industry to the growers than independent overseers.
Obama Victory Tweet

5. What audience did the article say social media was targeted to?
  • Social Media was targeted to teenagers, to inform and persuade us through social networks, because we are the next potential voters over the next few years.
6. According to the article, which candidate was most effective using social media? (cite a passage from the article)

  • I think Obama used social media more efficiently, because he used his own time to do video conferences online mostly to answer questions with younger voters.
  • "One of the stand-out moments from Mr Obama's campaign was his appearance on social news website Reddit."
  • "The president spent around 30 minutes answering questions from the site's millions of users. Mr Obama's credibility was enhanced when he told users the Q&A sessions were "Not bad!" - an apparent reference to an image-based meme featuring himself."

7. According to Jeffrey Hermes, taking a picture of your marked ballot can be used to pressure people standing in line to vote. Do you agree or disagree, and why?
  • Yes, I agree with that, because when people see other people's pictures of their marked ballot, people would think of the same way and to vote the same candidate the person voted. It's a mentality that most people who dont have their own opinion has.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Immigration / Industrialization Key Terms

A. Progressive Era / Movement - a period when people became active to make a better government.

B. Muckraker - journalists who wrote about corrupt laws for popular magazines.

C. Social Gospel - a protestant Christian movement that focused on issues like excessive wealth, poverty, alcoholism, racial tensions and child labors.

D. Social Darwinism - a belief in which the stronger states will go further in the society than weaker states; came from "survival of the fittest".

E. Americanization - when immigrants in the United States shares American values, beliefs and styles.

F. Nativists / Nativisms - people who favors the natives than the immigrants.

G. Europe - Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Italy, Greece, Spain & Portugal.

H. Political Machine - a group that controls the activities of a potical party.

I. Andrew Carneige - Scottish-American industrialist who led the American steel industry.

J. Horizontal / Vertical Integration - business strategy that promote growth of a company and monopolizing.

K. Urban - high population places in the cities.

L. Upton Sinclair - American author and candidate for governor of California.

M. Meat Inspection Act - prevents mislabeled meat products to be sold as food.

N. Trust / Monopoly - when companies own all parts of a business to reduce competition.

O. Graft - a political corruption when politicians receive bribes from the people.

P. Hull Houses - settlement houses for poor immigrants in the late 18 & 19th century.

Q. Jane Addams - a settlement worker, founded the Hull House in Chicago, leader in women suffrage & world peace.

R. Cesar Chavez - civil rights activist, co-founded the National Farm Workers Association.

S. Immigration Act of 1965 - eliminated the origins quota system replacing it with a preference system that focused on family relationships.

T. Immigration - when npeople move to live in a foreign country.

U. Alexander Graham Bell - scientist, inventor, engineer and innovator who invented the first telephone.

V. George Eastman - American innovator, founded the company that invented film that helped bring photography to mainstream.

W. Thomas Edison - American inventor, and businessman, invented phonograph, motion picture camera and the electric light bulb.

X. Henry Bessener - English engineer, inventor nd businessman, improved the process of making steel.

Y. Reform - improving of what is wrong, corrupt and unsatisfactory to the people.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Diary Entry #7

December 4, 1819

My life through this 400 years was alright, I mean it was bad because I never got to have my rights, I was one of the lowest in the society and I basically didn't have a voice, but it wasn't that bad either, because on the other hand I also got to experience a lot of stuff, like I get to do a lot of jobs, mostly crappy jobs, but it's alright. I also got to go to a lot of places, I got to meet a lot of different people, and I learned a lot of things like everything that happend from when Columbus took over our land and how they made a new a country with their Constitution and Bill of Rights, all about Thomas Jefferson and other important people that lead this new country,... maybe in like a 100 years, children will be learning about all these important people, and how America came to be a country.


Diary Entry #6

November 1819

The Anti-Federalists demanded the Bill of Rights for the Constitution and the Federalists promised to give it to them, it did respond to the central Anti-Federalist fear that the Constitution would unleash an oppressive central government too distant from the people to be controlled by the Federalists. The original 13 states were Georgia, Maryland, Rhode Island, Delaware, Virginia, New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Massachusetes. And by the year of 1819, 7 states were added to this original 13, these were Tenessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Missisipi, Indiana, Illinois and Loiusiana.
