Friday, May 31, 2013

Post WWII America

1.) Why were Americans afraid of the Soviet Union?
     - Americans were afraid of the Soviet Union because they had different plans for the future that would threaten the American life.

2.) What did the Russians want in Europe?
     - Russians wanted to enforce communism.

3.) What did the Americans want in Europe?
     - Americans wanted to create a new world so that all nations had the right to self determination

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Pop Culture 1950s

1.) What media exploded in the 1950s and how did businesses respond to this explosion? 
     - While the television industry exploded in the 1950s, other businesses focused and spent their money on to advertisements or commercials that promoted their product. The food industry also produced frozen TV dinner which is really convenient to Americans.

2.) Why did critics not like television?
     - Critics did not like the television because of the violence and stereotypical portrayal of women, Latinos and African Americans. Also, because of the fact that the television only shows the ideal White America, which excludes poverty and diversity.

3.) What's so ironic about rock n' roll music in the 1950s?
     - The ironic thing about rock n' roll is that the performers were African Americans while most of their audience were white people. Rock n' roll is most commonly known as demonic, however, Elvis Presley first developed his skills in singing in church. Although, many parents hated this music genre believing that it would lead teenagers to immorality, it still became more accepted by the end of the 1950s.

The American Dream 1950s

1.) What were some of the causes for the "baby boom"?

2.) What did Americans have to do in order to support all the new babies being born?

3.) How did roles of women changed in the 1950s?

4.) What changes allowed the American car explosion to occur?

Friday, May 24, 2013

Truman's Labor Policies Pres. Truman
1.) What were some of the significant challenges Pres. Truman faced after the WWII?
     - Pres. Truman had to supply jobs for 12 million returning soldiers, give Rights to African-Americans, and America had product and consumer goods shortages.

2.) How did Truman try to help returning G.I.s get jobs after WWII, and how effective was he? Explain your opinion.
     - Pres. Truman tried to help returning G.I.s get jobs by making new proposals, which were minimim wage, guaranteed employment, medical insurance, housing aid, improved benefits for war veterans and wage and price control.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The American Teenagers Drive-in Movie Theaters
1950s, was very popular to teenagers

1.) How did the lives of teenagers change after TGD and WWII? Explain.

     - During the Great Depression, teenagers had to work and had to drop out of school to help their families, but after World War II, teenagers stayed in school and had allowances. Media also got into the teenager lives.

2.) What is "white-flight?" Was it good for the society?

     - It is when white people left the cities to the suburbs because of the colored people who are moving to the cities. No, it is not good for the society because it loses the balance of the class of the people. Mexican workers or
"Braceros" who moved to the U.S. to work in farms
3.) Why did many Mexicans immigrate to the U.S. before the 1950's?

     - Many Mexicans immigrated to the U.S. because of the shortage of agricultural laborers spurred the federal government to initiate a program in which Mexican workers were allowed to move to the U.S. for a short time. However, a lot of Mexicans stayed.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Postwar America 1950's
1.) What was the U.S. economy like during WWII? How were Americans doing?

     - During the WWII, Americans were prospering because of new technologies that were invented. New industries boomed, making new jobs available for the Americans.

2.) How did the American economy transform after The Great Depression and WWII?

     - Americans no longer held blue collar jobs or factory jobs. People improved to white collar jobs - managerial, office and professional occupation, which are higher paid positions.

3.) Why would a company like Google not do well in the 50's?
     - Because people in the 1950's were taught not to be creative thinkers and rebels, while Google consists of creative people who were rebels.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Analysis The Boy in the Striped
Pajamas movie poster
 1.) Bruno moved with his family so his father could be closer to the Nazi death camps. At first, only the father knew the real reason for moving to the country. Why do you think father was so secretive about why the family moved?

     - Bruno's father was so secretive about it because he knows his family will be disappointed of him, especially Bruno's grandmother, however, Bruno's grandfather was so proud of him because it is for their country. Also, Bruno's father took an oath of secrecy.

2.) Bruno was taught to think of Jews in a certain way. What was Bruno taught about Jews?

     - Bruno's home tutor taught Bruno and his older sister that Jews are evil. They were taught that Jews were the reason there were a lot of poor Germans since the Jews take all their jobs. Some Germans dont even consider them as humans and were just merely "scum of the Earth"

3.) When Bruno fell from the swing a Jewish man helped him. Why was this event significant to Bruno's mother's thinking of Jewish people?
     - The Jewish man helping Bruno was significant to Bruno's mother's because it made her think that Jewish people are actually really nice people, instead of what the Germans say that Jews are evil. It also made her think about what her husband was doing to the Jews.

4.) Bruno's father evolved and transformed from a loving father to what? Why?
     - Bruno's father changed from a loving father to a

5.) Bruno evolved and transform as well. What kind of boy was he at first? What did he transform to?
     - Bruno changed from a little boy who only thinks about playing with his friends and having fun. After they moved near the death camps, he changed into a boy who cares about his surroundings and learning the truth about the death camps and Jews.

6.) Describe your feelings about Bruno's actions. Include descriptions of the scene and the choice(s) Bruno made, and what difference his actions made.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Japanese Internment & Justice

1.) What does the word "internment" mean to you? Japanese Internment Camps
     - it means to keep people locked up.

2.) Why were Japanese-Americans interned in Manzanar?
     - because Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Americans thought all the Japanese-Americans were spies and had to be interned.

3.) Why were Japanese internment policies wrong?
     - because they lost their opportunities, jobs, houses and material belongings and they never got it back. It also a strong form of racial discrimination against the Japanese. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

The End of WWII Gen. MacArthur

1.) Was Gen.MacArthur a successful general? Explain with evidence.

- Yes, Gen. MacArthur was succesful because he won the battles on the islands of Bataan, Leyte and Iwo Jima against the Japanese.

2.) Explain how successful the G.I. Bill was to returning soldiers.

- The G.I. Bill was succeful to the returning soldiers because it helped them get a college education. Mexican American
zoot suiters
3.) Why were Mexican Americans in L.A. unfairly treated after the war?

- because the Mexican American zoot suiters were reported that they attacked white people, so then the white people senselessly beat up any Mexican Americans who were wearing zoot suits.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

WWII in the Pacific

1.) Who promised to "return" to liberate the Philippines?
-  General Douglas MacArthur

2.) What reasons did the POTUS use for using atomic bombs?

3.) In 1942, why were the Allies under-strength to fight Japan?
- they were handicapped

4.) Were American submarines effective in the Pacific? Explain.
- Yes, because the submarines sunk 63% of the Japanese ships in the Pacific.

Monday, April 29, 2013

WWII Across the Atlantic Ocean Dwight D. Eisenhower

1.) Who was the supreme commander in Europe? Was he succesful?

- The Supreme commander in Europe was Dwight D. Eisenhower, Yes, he was successful because they made the Nazis to unconditional surrender.

2.) What was the significance of D-day?

- D-day is significant because they had to fight in Europe to remove Hitler from taking over Europe.

3.) Was General Patton an effective leader?

- General Patton is an effective leader because they defeated the Nazis in Paris, France.

4.) Why was the battle of the bulge significant?

- It is Hitler's last attempt for victory of the war using offense. Battle of the Bulge

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Coping with the War at Home Poster from the OPA

1.) What was the OPA? What was their job?

   - Office of Price Administration fought the inflation of prices by freezing the prizes on most goods.

2.) What was the purpose of the OSRD?

   - Office of Scientific Research and Development brought scientists to war to come up with new technologies, like the radar, sonar for locating submarines underwater.

3.) In what ways did Americans sacrifice during WWII?
   - Americans could not buy as much as they want because of the rationing or the establishing of fixed allotments on scarce goods or goods that were essential to the military.

4.) How similar or different were your sacrifices during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars?
   - People did not have to sacrifice during the iraq and Afghanistan Wars, they could buy whatever they want, unlike the Americans during the WWII. director of OSRD

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

U.S. Gets Ready for the Fight Philip Randolph
1.) Who was Phillip Randolph and why did he and President Roosevelt meet?
   - Phillip Randolph was an African American labor leader who organized a march on Washington. Roosevelt met with him to ask him to cancel the march in exchange of issuing an executive order calling on employers to hire African-Americans on any job.

2.) Who were the WAACs and why were they important to the war effort?
   - Women's Auxiliary Army Corps, they were important to the war effort because they perform duties - usually done by men - that are needed in the military, while men go into war.

3.) How well did African-Americans do during WWII?
   - African Americans used to live in segregated neighborhoods and only 15% of employers hired them on menial jobs. But after Phillip Randolph met with Roosevelt, they can have any job they want. African Americans
during the WWII

Friday, April 19, 2013

U.S. Inches Towards WWII

1.) What was Lend-Lease and what countries did it benefit?
   - U.S. can lend, rent or sell weapons to other countries like the Soviet Union and Great Britain.

2.) What did Roosevelt call German U-boats?
   - Rattlesnakes of the Atlantic

3.) How would you describe Roosevelt's opinion of war?

WWII Joseph Stalin
1.) What treaty did Hitler hate?
   - Hitler hated the Treaty of Versailles because it blamed Germany for starting the war and it made them pay for the damages by losing territory.

2.) Dictators during the 20's - 30's?
   - Japan - Hideki Tojo
   - Soviet Union - Joseph Stalin
   - Germany - Adolf Hitler
   - Italy - Benito Mussolini
   - Spain - Francisco Franco Benito Mussolini
3.) Similarities amongst the dictators?
   - The dictators crushes everyone who opposes them, they are powerful public speaker, called themselves "the leader", and they want more living space or territory.

4.) What was the U.S. thinking as several wars were breaking out?
   - mostly stay isolated and neutral because it was just after the Great Depression and they dont have money for the war.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


1.) List all the countries the Nazi's invaded.

   - Austria,  Czechoslovakia,  Poland, Yugoslavia,  Bulgaria,  Greece, Romania,  Hungary,  Lithuania, Latvia,  Estonia,  Finland,  Norway, France,  Denmark,  Netherlands (Holland),  Belgium  &  Soviet Union.
2.) What did Winston Churchill say about the peace agreed upon in the Munich Agreement?
   - Winston Churchill believed that it was a disaster and he wants to have a war with Germany immediately.

3.) What is Blitzkrieg and what's the purpose?
   - or lightning war to take the enemy by surprise and then quickly crush all opposition with overwhelming force.

Monday, April 15, 2013

WWII Key Terms

1.) Allies - U.S., England, Soviet Union

2.) Axis - Germany, Japan, Italy

3.) Defense Spending - amount of money goverment spends on military.

4.) Unemployment Rate - % of people unemployed.

5.) Federal Outlay - amount of money the government uses to buy stuff.

6.) Rattlesnakes of the Atlantic - German U-boats

7.) German U-boats - German Submarines

8.) Isolationists - policy of "mind your own business"

9.) Appease - to give in to demands

10.) Lend-Lease Act - Law that allowed POTUS to sell weapons to out friends.

11.) Office of Price Administration - control money and rents after the WWII.

12.) Inflation - when prices for goods / service increases but incomes remain the same.

13.) Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt - lead the U.S. during a time of worldwide economic depression and total war.
14.) Pres. Harry S. Truman - After Roosevelt died, Truman lead the United States and successfully concluded World War II. Which after marked the start of the Cold War.

15.) Phillip Randolph - Leader of the African-American civil-rights movement, the American labor movement and socialist political parties.

16.) Gen. Patton - General in the United States Army, best known for his command of the Seventh Untied States Army, and later the Third United States Army, in the European Theater of World War II.

17.) Gen. MacArthur - Commanded Allied forces in the Pacific Theater during World War II.

18.) Gen. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of U.S. Forces - Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe; he had responsibility for planning and supervising the invasion of North Africa in Operation Torch and the successful invasion of France and Germany from the Western Front

19.) Adolph Hitler - leader of the Nazis, Germany.

20.) Benito Mussilini - leader of Italy.

21.) Joseph Stalin - Leader of the Soviet Union.

23.) Battle of the Bulge- the last stand for Germany in the war.

24.) D-Day - offensive by allies to take over Europe.

25.) Auschwitz - Jewish concentration camp

26.) Atomic Bomb - Nuclear bomb dropped on Japan to end the war.

27.) Interment - camps on West Coast used to detain Japanese-Americans.

28.) Income Tax - % of tax paid on personal income (paychecks)

29.) Wage & Price controls - Commonly instituted by governments as a response to inflation, and usually below market level.

30.) War bonds - Debt securities issued by a government for the purpose of financing military operations during times of war.

31.) WAACs - Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WWAC) was created as an auxiliary unit.

32.) WWII Battles of the Pacific - Naval Aviation News articles to Commemmorate the 50th Anniversary of World War II.

33.) GI Bill of Rights - Servicemen's Readjustment Act, a law that provided a range of benefits for returning World War II veterans. Benefits included low-cost mortgages, low-interest loans to start a business or farm, cash payments of tuition and living expenses to attend college, high school or vocational education, as well as one year of unemployment compensation.

34.) Zoot-Suit Riots - Series of riots in 1943 during World War II that exploded in Los Angles and California between, White sailors and Marines.

Friday, April 12, 2013

"The Help" and the Struggle for African-American Equality "The Help" movie poster

The movie, "The Help" is an American film adaptation of the novel by Kathryn Stockett. Focused around a white woman, Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan, who is writing a book about the stories of African-American maids to show the racism and how they were treated by white people. The setting is in Jackson, Mississippi during the civil rights era (early 1960s)

In one incident...

In another incident...

In a third incident...

The significance of the movie, "The Help" in the struggle for African-American equality...

(what is your opinion on the book? did it help to establish more African-American equality?)

Monday, March 25, 2013

How the New Deal Affected People's of Color 

Why did Pedro Gonzales became a Mexican-American hero?
   - Pedro J. Gonzales became a Mexican-American hero because he spoke and condemned against discrimination and racism to the Mexicans through the radio by being a disc jockey.

Why was Frances Perkins a hero for women?
   - Frances Perkins became a hero for women because she's America's first female cabinet member.

What was the "Black Cabinet" and who was the leader?
   - a group of influential African American advisers that was organized by Mary McLeod Bethune to advise the Roosevelt administration on racial issues.

Friday, March 22, 2013

TGD - Programs of the New Deal 
1. What was THE major difference between Hoover and Roosevelt?
   - Roosevelt was a proactive president, he helped the people by making new jobs, while Hoover did not like federal welfare and gave money to the big corporations instead of giving money to the poor.

2. Which New Deal program was most responsible for creating the most jobs and how did the program achieve this?
   - The Works Progress Association was responsible for creating public work as fast as possible. The program spent $11 billion to create jobs for 8 million workers. They made airports, roads and streets, and many public buildings. Social Security Card, 1935
3.What impact did the Social Security Act have on Americans?
   - Since 1935, the Social Security Act have been insurance for the retirees and the unemployed. It also aided the disabled people and families with dependent children.

4. Why was Huey Long against TND?
   - Huey Long thought that the New deal was inadequate.